There is a great article over at the NY Times about weather to stash or toss children's art: Mom, You're One Tough Art Critic. My nearly 4-year-old daughter isn't that prolific and a fair amount do end up in the recycling but it hasn't been much of an issue for us yet. I edit them and have a stack that I wish a I had dated better. She doesn't seem too tied to them either. I'm sure this will come up more in the coming years but I always like hearing what other poeple's thoughts and solutions are for their child's art. What do you do? I'm of the school that process is more important than final product but you know I'd love some great pieces to treasure!
Check out the other article, Reclaiming Your Refrigerator, for some solutions. I like the Li'l Davinci frames but man, they are expensive and I'm sure it would be easy to tweek some Ikea frames with your own hinges. Some simple twine and clothes pins makes a lovely rotating option too.