I love this picture of Chickpea, although the photographer in me says it could have been better and I knew when I took it that I had already missed the shot I wanted. Such is life with a roving 2.5 year old, deliciously adorable and innocent one minute then off like a shot to something new.
This weekend was the first time that we took her out to do some real thrifting and vintage scavenging in Alameda. I used to love spending full days roaming antique malls, stopping at garage sales and cruising eBay but my fondness has faded over the recent years. I think it all started when we moved into our new house 4 years ago. Our old place (although it's the same age and style as the new one) just craved color, happiness and kitsch - perhaps it was the bleak neighborhood that forced us to liven up our interior. But when we moved what we had looked out of place and awkward so most of my fun finds remained tucked away - the pink girraff salt and pepper shakers, the Thailand Jim Beam bottle, the cowboy lampshade. Our house has been going through a bit of an identity crisis ever since. But you grow up, your tastes change and what you choose to surround yourself with does as well. I still love vintage finds, appreciating old character and history but it has a different place in my heart and home now. I'm constantly working on removing the clutter in my house for the sake of simplicity, choosing to keep what has purpose, meaning or truly makes me happy to look at.
It was fun to see what Chickpea was drawn to: "broken dollies", a wicker baby carriage, train sets... I found myself looking mostly at what would amuse her and not what would fill my house, a happy change for the eyes.
But mostly we had what she calls "good times", running around and exploring. So what did we walk away with, a wicker doll rocker for her and a rosette cookie set for me. I had just asked my mom the other day if she still had my great-grand-mothers but she didn't. Funny the way things appear when you want them to, burried at the bottom of a box none the less. I'm excited to make these Swedish goodies but more on that later. We also happened upon another score the day before at Urban Ore, a BOB stroller (below) for just $38, nice I know. Sure it looks like it sat on someone's porch for a year but it's a nice ride for a fraction of the price!